As Jesus had begun experiencing opposition from the scribes, he shifted his area of operation to the seashore. Crowds began to gather around him. The Greek word for the crowd is 'oklos' which means a gathering of people without any single purpose or goal to attain. Confused and disoriented, they needed somebody to lead and guide them. Jesus became their shepherd.

1. Jesus saw Levi, the son of Alphaeus. We understand that he had another name, Matthew. Levi might have been his given name and Mathew, the apostolic name. The word, Mathew meant the 'gift of God'. Jesus saw him while he was exhorting the people. The discerning power of the eyes of Jesus is well expressed here. Even though Levi was rich as a tax collector, he had a feeling of inadequacy in him. He was a link in the exploitative politico-economic structure headed by the Romans as well as the Herodians. Jesus who maintained a rapport with the tax collectors and sinners might have given him hope and motivation. The eyes of Jesus recognized it and asked him to follow him. Only those who yearn for a better social order could become disciples of Jesus. The people who are satisfied with the existing systems may not be able to follow Jesus.

2. On hearing the call of Jesus, Levi stood up and followed him. Perhaps he might have seen Jesus and experienced him in the days of Jesus's ministry in Capernaum. Levi is the best example for the transformation happening in a person coming into genuine contact with Jesus. Jesus makes people stand up on their own feet and encourage people to advance in life. Unlike the other disciples, Levi could never again go to his tax collection point. He left behind the lucrative profession of a tax collector for something which had a life-changing impact. Throwing the life-sustaining bread to the roaring waters in expectation of gaining them back after a prolonged time is the beginning of the realisation of life.

3. This decision brought to Levi some very important fortunes. He got a lifestyle liberated from exploitation. He could now face the world with pure and clean hands. He experienced abundance in his inner being. His pen began to move for the glory of God. Only when the mind is liberated, creativity will be released. By the writing of the gospel of Mathew, he was immortalised. God rewards His children for their unreserved commitment and surrender. God is not a debtor to anybody. They are given immortality through Him.

Point to ponder: What is the aim of our devotion? Do we share the attitude of Levi?

Prayer: Pray for a spiritual transformation within us that our relationship with God will not be a business deal.