Mathew 1:18-25 - The Fiery Paths of Mission

Joseph of Nazareth has been taken as an essential link in the salvation plan of God related to the incarnation of Jesus Christ. We get only very minimum references about him in the bible. The insights about him testify to the fact that he was the most deserving person to be the earthly father of Jesus Christ.

1. He was always submissive to the divine communications. He was called righteous because he was obliged to the law of God in all ways. We understand that he was emotionally shattered to know that his proposed wife was pregnant. As he was unaware of the spiritual dynamics behind the development, he was seriously thinking about divorcing her. He did not wish Mary to be made a public spectacle that he was thinking of doing it by giving her a personal note of divorce. It was in such a context, Joseph dreamt an angel speaking to him addressing him as Joseph, Son of David. That divine communication took him to see his life about national life. The people of God were waiting for the Messiah to be born in the household of David. Joseph was asked to fulfil his role in fulfilling that national dream. He knew that the divine communication to him had the endorsement of prophecy. (Isaiah 7:14). Joseph had no doubt about the credibility of God's words. He accepted the divine word to him. Only such a person can become the father of the Word who became flesh.

2. The sense of justice Joseph held was far superior to the sense of justice held by the scribes and Pharisees. Even though Joseph had in every way the right to bring Mary for a public trial, he abstained from that as he felt his moral responsibility to guard the honour of a fellow human. That shows his sense of justice. Perhaps, this might have been the contributing factor towards Jesus rescuing and aquiting the woman caught in adultery. The description of Jesus sitting with the scribes and teachers of the law and engaging in meaningful dialogue could also be credited to the account of Joseph. It was the responsibility of Jewish fathers to teach and orient the children the Jewish scriptures. We may observe that it was not merely literal teaching but a very progressive approach towards the holy scriptures.

3. It is also recorded that Joseph accepted Mary to be his wife as soon as he woke up. He did not delay his obedience. When he was instructed about Herod's intention to kill the boy, he immediately took the mother and child to the safety zone of Egypt. But the haste in these matters was not seen in the matter of Joseph having a physical union with Mary. Joseph is pictured as an epitome of self-control. He was well aware of the holy and divine plan of God in the immaculate conception of Mary, and he did not want to pollute it anyway. The child was given the name, Jesus as he was instructed and the role assigned to him was faithfully fulfilled. The contributions of Joseph was immense in the implementation of divine plans. God is looking for persons like Joseph to be used in God's economy of salvation.

Point to ponder:

Do we meditate on the qualifications of Joseph to be selected as the human father of Jesus?


Help us O Lord to be responsive towards divine communications.

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