As we are in the closing hours of 2018, many are excited about the new year. As it is generally seen, it has become greatly commercial. We need to remember that only the calendar is changed. Our spouses are not changed nor our life situations are changed. In the new year also, we need to cope up with our situations as usual. The changing of the calendar still reminds us that we are travelling in chariots of time. Where are we destined to? What philosophy or vision we have will help us through?
PRESENT  from God for us

1. Paul says that he forgets the past and strive towards the future. To forget certain things closely associated with our lives is humanly impossible. To forget certain hurts and wounds, we need extra grace and divine blessings. The biblical spirituality is basically to remember and remind. But certain things are to be willfully forgotten. If we refuse to forget the hurts and wounds of life, they could become toxic and could affect our systems. As believers in God's grace, we are bound to forget and forgive. Much of the stresses and psychosomatic diseases could be remedied by the spirit of forgiveness. God, who can still work in us can transform our every situation better and perfect. This conviction will help us to forget the adverse situations in our lives.

2. The present is to be taken most seriously. The present is the 'PRESENT' from God for us. The present is not without problems and issues. But Paul says "Our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us". (Rom. 8:18). The future for the child of God is penetrated into the present. The present is still operated by God in our lives. With God, we are co-workers for His glory. To see the present as the present from God is a liberating thought as God can turn everything for good. God is not yet finished with us but His mighty hand is still creating and designing us unto His image (2Cor. 3:18).

3. Because of this, we are dynamically open towards the future. Future is God's future which we share. God alone is the one eternal. As believers, we hold on to the faith that God can metaphysically intervene in our lives. Even though we do not know what things will happen in future, we are certain of God's presence holding our hands and enabling us to do our tasks. Ignatius Loyola affirmed this faith in his words "I came from God, I belong to God and I am destined for God.". As human beings created in the image of God and as we are growing to the likeness of Him, our realisation is only through God. If the roots of the plants are geotropic; the stems and leaves, heliotropic by nature; we as human beings are thermotropic. The challenge of the new year service is to refix us once again in this noble conviction to motivate us to have the divine realisation. God is with us and within us.

Prayer: God, we know that you hold our hands. Help us, O Lord, to walk into the new year with the confident step that You are always faithful.