Wayside: When we hear, and let the fowls
devour them (v.4) When we are exposed to all kinds of teaching, bad enough to
confuse us and let us out in the cold.
We are
unable to attain stability, rootedness, passion or growth, but sway to and fro
with everything that we see and hear.
Stony places: Shaped by a theology that is
superficial and has no scope for rooting. Everything is just about the outside
and nothing within.
theology is one of the stony places, one which makes sounds but is not deep nor
has any real room for transformation.
Thorny places: A state when you are closed,
rebellious and unwilling to let yourself accept the seeds of the Word and
challenges of the changing times.
When the
thorns of your prejudices and your age old beliefs- strangulates and hurts any
possibility for transformation.
Fertile ground: When the soil breaks itself to
accept the seed (gospel). The process involves breaking of set notions,
traditional beliefs and challenges you to read, interpret, question and seek
meaning. This exercise will bear much fruit.
Rev. Prince
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