The domination of satan over individuals are terminated when they acknowledge the Lordship of the Messiah over them. Mark records the healing of the person afflicted by the evil spirit as the first among the miracles.

Authority in Teaching

As it is already mentioned, the subject matter of today's reading is the authority of Jesus. The authority of Jesus in teaching, as well as his authority over the evil spirit, is well highlighted. Another manifestation of the evil spirit, which tempted Jesus in the wilderness is seen here. Synagogue was the centre of the Jewish hierarchical authority where the scribes had upper hand. Jesus entered there and spoke with authority which the scribes were lacking. When the teachings of the scribes could not heal the evil possession, or it could only perpetuate them, Jesus could heal them. Social structures based on exploitative philosophy could only create persons with possession while the philosophy of Jesus leads to integrated healing in all respects.

2. It looks like an irony that even when the disciples could not understand the person of Jesus, the evil spirit could. The attempt of the evil spirit to call Jesus by name was an effort to establish its dominance on Jesus. In exorcism also, knowing the name of the evil spirit was important. 'What is in between you and us? Have you come to destroy us?" is the question raised by evil spirits even today. To them, nothing that hinders their profit and selfish motives are acceptable to them. But Jesus orders them to be silent. Any attempt that thwarted human dignity is intolerable to Jesus. Any such attempt will be silenced by him. The evil spirits acknowledged Jesus only for their selfish and ugly motives. This was realised by Jesus. In the same way, believers need to realise the satanic strategy to silence them.

3. The New Testament times were used to possession and exorcism. Mark records four instances of exorcisms. (1:23-27; 5:1-20;7:24-30; 9:14-29) The disciples also continued that ministry. (3:15; 6:7,13). All accounts of exorcisms testify to the Christological insights of Mark. Jesus's exorcism was completely different from the contemporary exorcisms. Jesus healed them with his words. That kind of exorcism made the people marvelled. The antidote of every possession is the Word of God. Only the Word of God can liberate people from narcissistic tendencies to extrovert attitudes. Liberation from a social order which creates only demon possession is possible by the impact of the Word of God.

Point to ponder: 

Do we encounter modern versions of possessions in our contemporary culture?


Pray for the liberation of patients addicted to various evil habits.

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