This text explains the developments which happened the evening of the same day in which the mother-in-law of Peter was healed. The healings that took place in the synagogue and in Peter's house could not be hidden from the public's attention. The power and authority manifested in Jesus attracted people to him.

Healed the Possessed by His Word

We read that on that evening, after sunset, people brought Jesus all the sick and demon-possessed. That was probably for not breaking the law of the Sabbath. On the Sabbath day, the Mosaic law prohibited any load to be carried through the gates of the city or to do any work. (Jer. 17:24). That was part of sanctifying the Sabbath. People bringing patients to Jesus immediately after the time limit of the Sabbath shows the increasing popularity of Jesus as a teacher and healer. Jesus healed the possessed by his Word and the sick by touching them.

People Believed in His Authority

We need to notice that people brought the afflicted to Jesus for healing. He was not going in search of them generally. People who believed in the authority of Jesus either came or were brought to his presence. Ordinary exorcists and healers publicised their abilities to attract people towards them while people who were attracted to Jesus were healed instantly. We do not know whether they were impacted by the Kingdom message continuously. All the healing accounts show the response of Jesus towards a social order which created psychic patients and sickness. Ched Myer in his interpretation of the gospel highlights all these exorcism accounts and healing incidents as the protest of Jesus against the exploitative social order.

Expressing through His Words and Deeds

It is recorded that as the evil spirits recognized  Jesus, he did not permit them to speak out. (Luke 4:41). Through his words and deeds, Jesus was expressing his messiahship, which was quite different from the popular and political understanding of the Messiah. Jesus knew that his anointing is for preaching good news to the poor, to proclaim freedom for the prisoners, to recover sight for the blind, to release the oppressed and to proclaim the year of the Lord's favour. The evil spirits of the world may try to make him the king or to challenge him to mesmerise the crowds with miracles, but they do not know the message of the cross or the path of the cross by which he is to bring the redemption of this world. Only those who are 'in Christ' will know the 'messianic secret and mystery'. The evil spirits, by their utterances, will defeat the purposes of the kingdom. Hence, they are to be silenced.

Point to ponder: 

Do we realise that all who pronounce the name of Jesus are not doing the 'kingdom' services?
Pray that the gospel is preached in truth and Spirit.