John's gospel does not describe the birth narratives as the synoptic gospels. He tries to portray the incarnation in a very vast canvas. He makes it clear that the presence of Jesus is the continuing basis for salvation. John, the apostle, presents Jesus through the concept of 'logos' which could be translated as the 'Word'.

1. Christmas is the time to celebrate the reality 

Only the divine beginnings will endure eternally. The Word which was, in the beginning, will exist forever. Christmas is the time to celebrate the reality which was even before the beginning of anything. Prophet Isaiah describes the divine judgement on the lofty and tall trees. Forest thickests and Lebanon will fall before the Lord. (Isaiah 10:33-34). But a shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse. A branch from that shoot will bear fruit. This prophecy has been fulfilled in Jesus. It is because of God's power that it is enduring. Many of the kings born in Jesse's tribe seemed like the cedar of Lebanon, but they were uprooted. But a shoot is enduring forever because in Him dwells the spirit of the Lord. Because He had found delight in devotion to God, the Spirit of the Lord was staying on Him. By that Spirit, He could dispense justice for everyone and could adorn Himself with righteousness and faithfulness. Because of that alone He keeps the integrity of creation. The wolf and lamb, the leopard and goat, the calf and the lion will co-exist only under the reign of God. The transformation in character, best manifested in the lion eating straw like the ox, is the hallmark of the reign of God. Christmas gives us the hope of God's intervention in this world where peaceful co-existence of nature is a reality. That is not possible by the outwardly strong and mighty, but by the anointed servants of the Lord who believes in divine initiatives in the world order.

2. Word becoming flesh and dwelling with the people

By the Word becoming flesh and dwelling with the people filled with truth and grace, the divine salvation will be experienced by all. The Word of God cannot be abstract but is realised in each of our personal lives. St. John testifies that the glory of God manifested in Jesus and John the Baptist also witnessed that. That power and glory were manifested in the lives of so many devotees later on. Peter and John healed a man crippled from birth at the temple gate called 'beautiful' and tried to explain it to the wonder-struck onlookers. They said it was not done on their own merit, but by the power of God which used them as instruments. (Acts 3:11-16). That is why Paul could say that he is not ashamed of the gospel. He is proud of that because it is the means of salvation to the Jews and gentiles alike provided they believe. Christmas challenges us to experience that divine power on a daily basis for human salvation. Salvation is not merely the freedom from the guilt of the past but it is also our safeguard from the corrupting influences of the present. It is by adopting the path of the cross and by embracing a value system accordingly that we can protect ourselves from the emerging sinfulness. To experience 'Emmanuel' in our daily walks is the challenge of Christmas today.

3. brighten our lamps in the abounding darkness

The Christmas also challenges us to brighten our lamps in the abounding darkness. The blessing for the believers is to appropriate the light from God which cannot be extinguished by forces of darkness. 'Light' and 'darkness ' has been used universally to symbolise goodness and evil. One of the unique claims of Jesus was that He is the light of the world. Christmas is the festival of light as it commemorates the coming of Jesus, the true Light of the world. As he is called 'Emmanuel' He is the Light dwelling with us. To be light from the source of the real Light is the challenge for every believer. Nobody needs to be alarmed that the darkness is abounding. The darkness cannot overpower this light. St. John exhorted the believers that by loving the fellow believers, the reality of the light will be radiated. Those whose light originates from the Lord will triumph over the powers of darkness. To keep our position before the 'light of the world' is the way to triumph over the powers of darkness.

Point to ponder: Are we celebrating Christmas in the proper spirit?

Prayer: Pray for the world during this Christmas week, that nothing should happen which is contrary to the message of Christmas.