Levi, who responded to the call of Jesus prepared a banquet in his house in honour of Jesus. The statement that Jesus and his disciples shared the banquet with the sinners and tax collectors is very…
Readings: Zech 14:1-5; 1Thes 4:13-18; Acts. 1:6-11; John 14:1-7 The readings of this year ending Sunday give us a message of hope, whereby, we are motivated to lead a life of optimistic attitudes…
As Jesus had begun experiencing opposition from the scribes, he shifted his area of operation to the seashore. Crowds began to gather around him. The Greek word for the crowd is 'oklos' whic…
After the healing of the person with leprosy, Jesus could not to return back to town openly and had to stay in the lonely places. Still, the people searched for him and came to Him from everywhere. …
The episode of Jesus healing the leper shows the real character of Jesus. It also points towards the mounting opposition against him. Leviticus 13-14 discusses the situation where the social a…
This text portrays the lifestyle of Jesus which discovers renewal through prayer and also the sense of urgency He had in fulfilling his mission. 1. The statement that Jesus got up early morning…
John's gospel does not describe the birth narratives as the synoptic gospels. He tries to portray the incarnation in a very vast canvas. He makes it clear that the presence of Jesus is the conti…
This text explains the developments which happened the evening of the same day in which the mother-in-law of Peter was healed. The healings that took place in the synagogue and in Peter's house …
The domination of satan over individuals are terminated when they acknowledge the Lordship of the Messiah over them. Mark records the healing of the person afflicted by the evil spirit as the first …
Jesus began his public ministry in the synagogue at Capernaum. He could manifest the authority of his person and message through that.
The sense of mission received at the time of baptism and the style of mission revealed through the temptations in the wilderness guided Jesus to select his early disciples. Jesus selected his early …
This text exhorts the people to respond to the message of the Kingdom. 1. It is stated that Jesus went to Galilee proclaiming the good news of God after John was put in prison. The mission of John…
Joseph of Nazareth has been taken as an essential link in the salvation plan of God related to the incarnation of Jesus Christ. We get only very minimum references about him in the bible. The insig…
Following the baptism of Jesus which was the revelation of the Messiah, Jesus was tempted in the wilderness. 1. This text shares with us the metaphysical dimensions of the temptations. The subject…
The time of Jesus' baptism was the time of divine revelations where the identity of Jesus was revealed. Is something good will come? The statement that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee i…
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